The Ecological Conversion Group Safeguarding Statement and Policy:
Updated 20/jan/2024
Our Statement:
The ECG believes that everyone has the right to live free from all abuse, neglect, exploitation and harm. We assert a person’s intrinsic value and their right to live with God-given dignity. Alongside our work positively helping people and communities to flourish, we fully recognise our moral and legal responsibility to safeguard the welfare of children and adults, especially protecting those perceived as vulnerable or at risk. The charity achieves this through measures of risk assessment and prevention, safeguarding awareness training for staff, and ensuring appropriate response to suspected or perceived harm by working in accordance with procedures laid out by the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service, alongside informing the relevant authorities.
Raising safeguarding concerns at ECG:
To contact our Board of trustees designated safeguarding representative, please email All concerns will be referred to the appropriate mechanisms and channels as below; The ECG will never attempt to resolve incidents internally.
Reporting abuse:
If you are concerned that an adult or child are at risk of harm, please call the police. If they are in immediate danger, call 999
If you hold any role within the catholic church in England and Wales, any allegations must be referred directly to the safeguarding office for your diocese or religious congregation, or alternatively to the police. Members of the public should refer allegations directly to the police and also to the safeguarding office in your relevant diocese;(the relevant Diocesan safeguarding office can be located using the interactive map on the links page of the CSSA website – contact details will be shown when you click on the relevant area of the map). You can also contact CSSA by telephoning : 020 7901 1920 or via email at